Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Safe and Effective Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Aurora, CO

Do you have a 3rd set of molars that’s been causing you pain? Those are called wisdom teeth; dentists often recommend removing them in cases like yours to avoid future oral health problems. You will need a wisdom tooth extraction.

What is a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction, also called third molar removal, is surgery that removes the 3rd set of molars at the back of your mouth. This set of teeth usually grows in adults of 17 to 25 years old.

Scientists believe wisdom teeth to be vestigial structures—non-essential parts of the human body. Our ancestors needed these teeth to chew and crush raw meat, nuts, roots, and leaves. These days, we eat more cooked food and chop it into smaller pieces with knives and forks. As a result, we no longer need wisdom teeth.

A person may have four wisdom teeth, one on each quadrant (upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right). Some may have one, two, or three, while others may have none at all. Having or not having wisdom teeth is not usually a sign of a medical problem. It’s only an anomaly, a sign of the dynamic process of evolution, nothing more.

Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

You might need wisdom teeth extraction if you are experiencing any of the following:

  1. You have a few wisdom teeth impacted or locked in the gums.
  2. You have an uneven or crooked wisdom tooth eruption.
  3. The back of your mouth hurts.
  4. Gum disease develops mainly in the area where your molars are located.
  5. You have dental decay or cavities in a wisdom tooth.
  6. You have a cyst surrounding a wisdom tooth or teeth.

Wisdom teeth surgery may still be recommended by your dentist even if you don’t have any symptoms. Since these teeth practically have no use, removing them makes more sense to prevent any complications from happening in the future.

How Does it Work?

At Southland Smiles, we offer wisdom teeth extraction in Aurora, CO whether you are experiencing any symptoms or not. A surgical wisdom tooth extraction usually goes through three steps.

1. Before the Surgery

During your initial consultation, our dentist will inspect your wisdom teeth and take dental X-rays to determine the exact placement of your wisdom tooth. You should let your doctor know if you take any vitamins, minerals, or medications.

Your dentist will also discuss alternatives to your sedation dentistry during your initial appointment. Depending on your needs and preferences, you might have a general anesthetic, IV (intravenous, or through your vein) sedation, laughing gas (nitrous oxide), or local anesthetic.

If you choose to undergo IV sedation or general anesthesia, you will also receive thorough instructions on how to prepare for your extraction session. This may mean stopping some medications a few days before the procedure and fasting until midnight the evening before.

2. The Surgery

Your teeth and gums will be made completely numb with anesthesia by the dentist on the day of the procedure. Additionally, it will make you feel more at ease throughout the process. A sedative may also be administered to you if you’re experiencing anxiety to keep you at ease. If necessary, the dentist will create incisions in your gums to expose any teeth that are concealed by your jawbone or gums.

Your wisdom teeth will then be loosened and carefully removed from their sockets. It may occasionally be necessary to cut the wisdom tooth into smaller pieces to remove it more easily. The dentist will clean the area and, if needed, place stitches after the teeth are extracted entirely.

3. Post-Surgery

You should expect some minor bleeding, edema, and pain after the surgery. Your dentist will advise you on wound care, including prescription drugs, to help minimize these side effects.

To safeguard your safety, make sure someone you can trust—a friend or family member—is there to drive you home. When you reach home, you can put a cold compress on your cheek to aid with the swelling. To stop additional bleeding and hasten your healing process, you should also avoid strenuous labor. To heal, get as much rest as you can.

Expert Oral Surgery Solutions

A third molar removal can help save you a significant amount of money, though you may not see it yet. Contact Southland Smiles if you are unsure about the removal of your wisdom teeth and our dentist will be happy to help.

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.