Childrens Dentistry

Gentle Children’s Dentistry in Aurora, CO

Safe, Comfortable Children’s Dentistry

Parenting brings about a lot of questions, and these can easily multiply when a child’s teeth start to come in. Our patients often ask, “When should I bring my child to your office for the first time?” or, “What will their first visit be like?” We agree with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists that a child should start having regular dental appointments as soon as their first tooth appears or at least by their first birthday. As parents ourselves, our experienced dentists are happy to treat Colorado’s littlest smiles and help them get a strong start on the path to optimum oral health through our children’s dentistry services in Aurora, CO. We understand that your child’s first few dental visits are crucial, which is why we do everything we can to make sure they feel comfortable and safe.

Our Children’s Dentistry Services

Gentle Pediatric Dentistry Visits

Children’s teeth and their oral health is just as important now as it will be when they are adults. Part of why we offer pediatric dentistry services it to help you and your child establish good oral hygiene care and stress-free associations with the dentist, so they have a better foundation for oral health in the future. When you and your child come in for their first visit, we will take our time to make sure your child can acclimate to our dental office. We know that they need a gentle touch, and that their state of mind is extremely important. Once they are comfortable, we will examine their mouth and talk to both of you about how to take care of their newly developing smile. Our skilled team is always happy to answer your questions, such as how to teach your child to brush consistently, and give you all the information you need to keep them healthy for the years to come. If your little one is starting to get their teeth, be sure to bring them in for a children’s dentistry appointment soon.

Scheduling a dental appointment with Dr. Keturka is easy. Just call 720-782-8639 or click here to schedule today. We look forward to serving you and establishing excellent dental health.